Sharing powerful messages of healing and hope
On March 9, 2023, at Aleya's Celebration of Life service, Darla and I shared a promise we made. As long as God gave us breath, we would do our best to be faithful stewards of telling Aleya's and our story.
We had no idea what that would mean for us in March 2023. We still don't fully. And, yet, we know it's part of our new calling.
Today, we're taking another step of being available.
I smile when I think about the simple invitation Jesus extended to his disciples..."Come, follow me." No explanation. No promises. No clarity.
It's the same invitation He's extending to Darla and me. It's the same invitation He's extending to you, too.

Through prayer, and tears, and heartache and healing...we're feeling led to take another step in "Follow me".
We have a couple messages God has placed on our hearts to share from Aleya's and our life stories. Giving voice to the hurt and heartache so the possibility of hope and healing can lift up and inspire anyone who God leads to hear. Helping people who are in their own seasons of stuck to take another step.
We have no expectations. We just want to be available to anyone who may call and invite us to share.
Churches. Youth groups. Schools. Events of all kinds.
"Come, follow Me."
"Yes, Lord, we will follow."
We love y'all!
Jason and Darla
Core Messages

On March 3, 2023, Aleya, our fifteen-year old daughter, lost her life to a traumatic brain injury.
From the crushing of this season, I share from Aleya’s and our life stories to spotlight the key life lessons from our little girl....
Love Jesus and love others
“Inhale Faith and Exhale Fear”
Live each day with GRIT & GRACE
...and explore how you are being called to create a lasting legacy too.
Bonus: Darla is also available to join with me to share in this message too.

We all experience seasons of stuck in our lives.
Stuck can come in many ways and can be crushing.
We know this first hand.
Through our lives we've navigated countless stuck seasons and have learned how to break the chains to begin moving forward again.
In this message, I'll share the six areas where we are most likely to get stuck and provide practical solutions to help you get unstuck as you take another step, too!
Bonus: Darla is also available to join with me to share in this message too.

Walking the journey of grief and loss of a loved one is hard. Sometimes almost unbearable.
In the first year following the death of Aleya, our family walked through what I called "Fragile Firsts".
First holidays.
First birthdays.
First vacations.
First dreams no longer possible.
I will share what I learned in navigating this tender season of loss and healing.
Bonus: Darla is also available to join with me to share in this message too.

Break the chains that hold you back from achieving your unique best.
Through these three seemingly simple but infinitely profound aspirations, you’ll find your pathway to live life to the fullest.
In this life changing session, I share the three key commitments I’ve discovered through my own journey that are critical to find freedom, take another step and thrive.
I’ll unpack the power of each of these commitments, help audiences see their lives in new ways and create plans to live their their unique best every single day.
You will leave this event forever changed.

For years I was stuck.
On the outside, everything was perfect.
Positive and encouraging.
Great family and friends.
Successful career.
Strong lived faith and follower of Jesus.
But on the inside, I was totally and completely stuck. A captive of my own creation.
Thanks to the grace of God and the help of caring family, friends and helping professionals, was finally able, after decades, to confront the shackles of my soul and take the step to unstuck and freedom.
And, now, through the telling of my story, real and raw, and sharing the practical lessons I learned that lead to being unstuck, I hope to help you do the same.

Often the hardest thing to do in following Jesus is learning to let go.
We believe the loss of control is unbearable.
And, yet, the marvelous mystery is that the more we let go, the safer and more secure we feel.
Control leads to chaos, confusion, and burdens we were never meant to carry.
In this session, I share the power of letting go and the freedom that comes as we move from striving to soaring on the wings of eagles.
It's in the letting go we find healing.
It's in the letting go we find hope.
It's in the letting go we find perfect love.

Life is unfortunately full of suffering.
And yet, it's often in the seasons of hurt and heartache and crushing, God moves most powerfully.
He promises to never waste a tear.
And, He is faithful.
From our life story, we share how we navigated our most tragic seasons of sorrow and loss...and finally saw the glimpses of God's goodness as He revealed His purpose in the pain.
Bonus: Darla is also available to join with me to share in this message too.

Time is the universal equalizer.
Every person begins each new day with 86,400 seconds.
The key to success and impact is what you do with the time you’ve been "gifted", not just given.
In this powerful session, I’ll lead folks to embrace the power of intentional living, create simplicity in your life, and share how to put the right focus and perspective in living in the present.